Thursday, May 16, 2013


A told B and B told C.............

"Ill meet you at the top of the coconut tree."  I wanted to be at the top of that coconut tree. From the first time I read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom I knew I was A. (Not like the Pretty Little Liars A who sends creepy texts and must never go to school because I don't know how she manages to stalk all of those girls all the time for no apparent reason) I was A, the one who told B "ill meet you at the top of the coconut tree." When I was in kindergarden every time I read that book I always loved how at the end A snuck out of bed and dared everyone to race to the top of the coconut tree. Being the truly charming five year old I was I remember being proud of the fact that A was special and therfore more important than the other letters. I remember we had an audiobook of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom in our class, it was the kind where you had to put on those really ugly blue headphones that never really fit on anyones head correctly, and I used to listen to it all the time. I listened to other books too, but that one was my favorite. I really enjoyed the fact that A was the center of the novel. Not much has changed since kindergarden, i'm still self centered, and I still like being the center of a story.  I think that my love for Chicka Chicka Boom Boom explains my love of theatre. The way I personified (I used a lit term when it wasn't required I should get some bonus points or something) myself as the letter A is the way I identify myself as my character. I like playing a part in a story, i like feeling involved. For me a good story is one where you can indentify yourslef with the character, where you can feel as though you could be in their shoes. When I was five I felt that way about Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I like acting, I always have and I think I always will. Even when I was five I liked to "play" different parts. In kindergarden sometimes my friends and I would pretend to be different characters from disney movies. I remeber one time  we spent all day pretending to be characters from Peter Pan, I got to be tinkerbell of course, so the entire day we acted like we were the character from the movie. Tinkerbell technically wasn't supposed to talk, but I probably broke that rule because I literally never shut up. I remember how much I loved that and how much fun I had acting as different characters. I loved halloween in elemeterary school because I couldnt wait to dress up as somebody else. I also loved to play house. I always watned to be the mom, I don't know why I hate kids they're sticky, in the end I think it was probably because I liked being in charge. I always wanted to talk on the phone which had a talk button that said phone on it. At the time I was cofused as to why it wasn't spelled fone because being the genius I am in kindergarden I thought phone was spelled fone. I used to call it the "phone," because I thought it was funny that it was spelled wrong. Even then I used to always belive that I was always right, even when I was wrong. I think that even in kindergarden I knew who I was. I loved to talk, I loved to act, I loved to be right. Even if I didn't know it the person that I was then is still the same person that I am now. Sure people change, I know how to spell phone now and I don't get to pretend to be a princess every day (as much as I wish I could), but i'm still that same person I was in kindergarden. Ill still race you to the top of the coconut tree.


  1. Ari this is the greatest I love this oh so much. You're ending sentence made me smile. You're adorable and I love you. I love how you have no shame. Some people would hate you for it but I can't, you have so much confidence, it's wonderful. I think it's a positive, not a negative. Wish more people could see confidence in that light~
    <3 Jules

  2. Ari your ending sentence is absolutly perfect! This is wonderful it does describe you pretty perfectly! You're just so open about who you are and you own it! You're so positive about who you are and thats fabulous.

  3. Ari! I love the confidence and candor in this entry! You really brought me to kindergarten with you...and Tinkerbell! Your big personality definitely came through...nice job!
