Thursday, May 30, 2013

 I can't really think of a defining moment when I had to "grow up." There have been successes and accomplishments, there have been downfalls and tears, but there hasn't been a moment where I've looked at myself and felt like a different person from the three year old in my photo album. I still feel the same, I think sometimes its hard to see for yourself how you've grown up, I think sometimes it takes other people to show you that you really have. When I was fourteen I stayed at my grandmas house for the summer in order to take part in a theatre program. I love my grandma, but she can also be extremely difficult to deal with. See I don't have those old lovable grandmas who sit in rocking chairs with kittens and bake you things. Both of my grandmothers, while complete opposites, are pushy and crazy and difficult, just like I am. I was staying at my grandmothers house. She's my mothers mother, but she actually feels so not grandma-like that I don't even call her grandma I call her Beth. I told her one time its really not a bad thing, I love her just as much as I love my other grandma, but she just doesn't feel like an old woman to me. I call her Beth, or sometimes grandma Beth, or when I'm mad at her Bethy, but never grandma. She's always been Beth to me. I always loved having the fun grandma, when she calls we talk about all the drama on Reality TV, I love having someone to vent to about the terrible voices on American Idol or how awful  the new Bachelorette is. When I come up to visit she always loves doing fun stuff, like going to the arcade and playing mini golf. I like that I have a grandma who likes to be fun, but when I stayed at her house over the summer we ended up getting in a major fight and I left. It was really upsetting, but we got into a huge argument because she told me she wasn't going to take me to this big party that I really wanted to go to, and my mother said I could go, but she was mad at me so she claimed she wasn't going to take me. I ended up staying with my cousins instead. It forced me to grow up because at my grandmas house she did everything for me. I literally mean everything. She would cook for me, she would get me things, she enjoyed waiting on me. In fact at some point I wanted to do some things for myself. I didn't need her to go in the kitchen and get chips for me, I could walk across the room and get them for myself. At my cousins house it was completely different, they were extremely nice to me, but I had to do things for myself. Like I had to make my own food, and find my own rides to things, and do things that I had never really done for myself before. I mean I still don't cook, ovens scare me I'm not sure I actually know how to turn one on, but I learned how to do things for myself that I had never done before. My grandma and I have long made up since, were as close now as ever. She still gets on my nerves sometimes, but everyone you love does. I think we had such a hard time living together because it was two people who always want to be in control constantly fighting for the final say. She came and visited me for my birthday this year and she stayed to watch me open presents with my mother, father and sister. After we opened all the gifts she told me she was so proud of how I appreciated everything I got and that I had really grown up. I was flattered, and it felt weird to hear it from her, but I guess its true.  I haven't really noticed a change in myself, but I'm not the same kid I was three summers ago. I've grown up, sure I'm still bratty and ill still make mistakes, but its nice to know that even though I may not feel it I am growing up slowly day by day.

(I made my picture All Grown Up that weird Rugrats spin off because this blog was about growing up, but that show really makes no sense, they're not all grown up their like twelve..............also I think Tommy looked better bald.)

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this post! I think it's so adorable how you have such a close relationship to your grandma and the two of you can talk about the shows you watch on TV. I think that when we don't get things handed to us, it really is a reality check. It may be a sense of shock at first, but it definitely helps shape you as an individual. Great post!
